Danny Mac came through with some photos just days before demolition began. Here's the link to all of them. I'll pick a few to comment on, especially as progress gets underway.
This one is from the 3rd floor, front of building looking toward the back. In the far back, left corner you can see a handmade staircase that goes up to the rooftop. The hatch door leaked and allowed rain to come down the stairs. I'm hoping to not find extensive water damage. Of course, the rooftop gets major repair.
The stairway down that you see will be patched and become the approximate location where you will come up from the floor below (opposite direction). I am standing in what will become the hallway. The closet and bathroom will be along the left wall. The bedroom will be in the back. Danny is taking the photo from what will become my office/study/rec room. Somewhere in this space will be a cutout to the floor below, creating a loft. This was located in the front where Danny is standing, but the city won't allow if I intend to apply for tax credits.