A search of the Durham Directory from 1903 reveals the business listed at 308 West Main to be
Standard Mercantile Co. Here is the page from that Directory (click to enlarge). Earlier Directories do not list this address, and instead stop at 302 West Main (the corner of Market and Main). Perhaps the street didn't extend west past Market until 1903.
My research didn't find much about "Installment Houses" other than they appear to be loan companies for personal merchandise; unlike banks who loaned for business reasons. Would like to know more.
Raymond J. Davis was the proprietor of
Standard Mercantile Co. and lived at 418 Warren. I tried to find more, but the business was gone from this location by 1905. I found a Raymond J. Davis listed as manager of
Masters & Agee Co. of Charlotte, NC., some years later. Perhaps he continued moving south and west?
The 1905 Directory shows William J. Carter, an electrician, to be running a business in my building. Later in 1907, two business owners are listed at 308 West Main: Benjamin T. Tingen, a confectioner whose home was at 111 Jones; and Jacob H. Wheeler, a shoemaker who lived at 209 Morris.
I hope to find someone to run a title search for the land in these early years. That will complete some of these stories.
I DID discover the answer to what comes after
"ELLIOTT" on the back of the building. Stay tuned.