Friday, August 1, 2008

Curb Appeal

(click images to expand)

Here is the current design plan for the new storefront. Ideas of interest to me:
  • Downstairs storefront extended out to walkway, opposed to recessed in current design
  • Symmetrical and clean appeal
  • Offers maximum natural light into the downstairs space
Ideas worth exploring:
  • Large area of windows may create maintenance challenges
  • What awning, window shading is appropriate
  • Offers maximum natural light into the downstairs space (is it too much?)
I'm a fan of the old-school awnings that roll out/retrack with a hand crank. Of course, I won't be responsible for that daily task. Would my street level tenants want the flexibility to affect the amount of light, while accepting the responsibility to move the raise/lower the awning as appropriate?

If it takes a village to raise a child, maybe that can apply to my building. I'd like your thoughts on the storefront. Please feel free to use the comment button and provide me yours.......

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