Work, life and building decisions are getting in the way of progress documentation. Oh, and taxes. This has been an extremely challenging year of administration related to taxes owed to the US and Canadian government. Alas, these are not related to Downtown living so I'll keep those stories for my All Things Inevitable blog......
Construction started last week on the rooftop structure and deck. Here are the beginnings of that work; the metal framing that will support it all. Notice the natural slope of the roof. We intend to maintain that by suspending the deck structure above the roof, allowing water to run freely below. Suspending the decking will also keep weight off the roof framing and allow for a level walking surface.

Here is a view from down the street; an area called Five Points. The big blue tarp is the rooftop structure you see framed above. I have one of the best views of the Hill Building (the building with the flag) because my roof is 40' above views from the street. Much more to follow on the rooftop as construction continues.