Thursday, April 30, 2009

Federal Approval: Sort of

Phase II of the Department of Interiors assessment of my building plans came back today. Obviously, getting it back is a HUGE amount of good news. We now know something. However, it was not necessarily good news. Here are a couple of areas we need to address (paraphrased):
  1. Replacement Storefront: must be compatible with the appearance, size, design, proportions and profiles of a traditional historic storefront........Photos of completed work must be submitted.
  2. Replacement windows must match the appearance, size, design, proportions and profiles of the existing. Comparable detailed drawings of existing and proposed must be submitted and approved by SHPO and National Park Services before proceeding.
  3. Proposed rooftop addition must not significantly impact the historic roofline of the building. Construction of a mock-up and photographs of mock-up from "each surrounding right-of-way and keyed to the historic district map must be reviewed and approved".
  4. Retaining historic plaster walls in a deteriorated condition does not meet the Standards and must be repaired. Photographs of the completed work must be submitted.
  5. The proposed two-story space within the upper level apartment must be reduced in size. A preferable alternative was proposed. New plans must be submitted.
  6. New mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems must be installed in a manner consistent with the historic character of the building. Ductwork must be set back from storefront and painted. Photographs of completed work must be submitted.
If you can read between the lines and know me well, then you'll know some of this is disappointing to me. However, you'll also know that my optimism will change my outlook in about a minute. (tick, tock, tick, tock)

There, that is better. What is all the fuss about?

So here is some good news

Work has begun. Holes are everywhere in the floor and ground. And I got this as an email from Tom @ Center Studio:
.....Also, I was able to reach someone at the National Park Service regarding the status of Part 2 of the Tax Credit Application and they said they had misplaced a drawing and that had caused some delay, but were able to get another copy of the drawing from another department and it was now being reviewed. The review should be done within the next couple of days and I asked that she fax me a copy of the final Part 2 documents so that we can have them in hand before the mailed copy arrives.
This fax will allow work on the storefront, windows and new openings to begin in earnest. Keep your fingers crossed that it comes this week.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Renovations began this week

Here Kimberly and David stand in front of the "art wall" where Kimberly has painted the announcement that "Renovation begins APR20". (and she appears to be holding up a pineapple....not sure what that means). The sign at the top was made so that when the wall comes down there is still some advertisement.

The water line has been moved and inspected. Concrete has been broken to allow footers (front store posts and stair) to be poured. The gas line marked to accommodate moving the meter from the front of the store to the side of the building. The dangerous stairs to the rooftop were removed. And, termite junk was poured around the foundation.

Changes are happening fast.